Thursday, August 4, 2016


"We all posses the ability to empathize, connect and feel compassion for one another"
This year, is the year of 2016. Up until this point, we as human beings have accomplished great things, and yet- we still continue to do some of the same terrible actions that our ancestors have already done in the past. Technology is greater than ever, the essentials of living are provided to us, and most people are content with their lives. However, we should imagine, what we could achieve if we didn’t have an attachment to the barbaric ways of our primal human aggression. Instead, together we can start exploring the more tender sides of our human nature. We all posses the ability to empathize, connect and feel compassion for one another (well maybe except the majority of politicians). By utilizing our good intentions, we can become more united and stronger as citizens of this earth. As of right now however, war, theft, slavery, murder, rape and fraud are still very relevant. Nevertheless, to achieve a peaceful society where government’s role is minimal-to-none, is possible. It just requires a paradigm shift to occur on a grand scale. Hopefully, before the end of the 21st century, we can achieve peace and true freedom.

Here lies a majestic, government-paved road
Humanity’s belief in government and the use of non-defensive violence, is a very dangerous ideology. In my opinion, this belief is guilty of creating the largest on-going genocide in history: Democide. R.J. Rummel defined the term as: “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder” (University of Hawaii). This political scientist, estimated that 262 million victims died due to democide. Government has time and time again been proven to be a very dangerous concept. As more private businesses replace government-funded ones, people will begin to realize that our reliance on the establishment, has been unnecessary and absolutely pointless this whole entire time. The free market will inevitably end up replacing any form of government-controlled economy.

Even though a lot of people realize how terrible authority and violence can be, they still retain a special type of arrogant pessimism. “I don’t want to die for my freedom” says the cowardly statist. Whenever i hear that i wonder, what makes people think that their life is so valuable over the lives of seven billion. “In a stateless society, people would be killing each other left and right!” says the doubtful statist. This wouldn’t happen if private police departments and detectives existed, alongside a well-armed and educated populous. My favorite statist rebuttal is: “Without government, who would build the roads?” (Second favorite being: “If you don’t like it here, go live in Somalia!"). The roads argument has recently become more of a meme, rather than a real argument. This is due to it’s ridiculousness, and the lack of incentive the debating statist has, to question their own beliefs. Nonetheless, i think this question should be answered. Who will build the roads? Well the answer to that is: The free-market will!

The free-market enables people to be successful

In a capitalist, free-market system, businesses compete with each other to create a greater profit. They accomplish this by using the incentive of money, to design and sell better products than their competitors. The same goes for the services that government currently provides us today. Welfare, public transit, social security, roads, water and protection services, can all be privatized and provided by businesses. The companies that perform the best, will be funded voluntary by and through the people. Bad businesses will be stopped via consumer power, and lack of funding. Corporations that abuse human rights in a stateless society, will have to pay compensations to their victims, and face the consequences, according to it’s community’s justice system. 

Without the pillars, the roof will fall

All in all, i think debunking statist’s arguments is a essential part of political evolution. The more and more we ponder about how we, as independent human beings, can function in a stateless society, the closer we get to actually achieving such a system. Eventually, through agorism, education and an armed populous, the establishment will inevitably crumble. We the people are the tax-paying pillars, to the abusive roof of our governments. Once all of us as a collective realize our true potential, only then will we be able to break past the establishment and achieve peaceful anarchy.

-Sam A. Stace
Instagram: @Ancap.Israel
Credits to: Ty Thorn for submitting the question, "Who will build the roads?"

Citation: Rummel, R.J. "Freedom, Democide, War." Freedom, Democide, War: Home Page. University of Hawaii, n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2016.

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